Revitalize Your Body and Mind with Our 7-Day Guided Cleanse

This program begins with a workshop on September 28th to help prepare you for the cleanse starting on 28th September – 6th October.

Prepare yourself for the demands of autumn with our comprehensive seven-day detox, led by Dr. Raju (BNYS, Natural Medicine MSc, Positive Health Coaching) with 20 years experience. Dr Raju trained in western modern medical subjects with natural medicine. He incorporates evidence-based positive health coaching with ayurveda and yoga. He encourages and educates you to keep fit physically and psychologically. With expertise in balancing the modern psychosomatic problems of stress, anxiety and autoimmune diseases.
Aisling Moore (Registered Nurse, Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Nutritionist). Aisling was trained in India and is determined to bring these authentic teachings to her clients by helping to find balance and harmony in life.

Ayurveda and Yoga is an ancient lifestyle medicine which educates patients to connect with nature’s healing qualities. Ayurveda and Yoga is based on five elements: air , water , earth , fire and space(either). Nature and our body have these same elements and when the seasons change we need to adjust our diet and lifestyle to live in harmony. This can be achieved by different detox therapies including diet, fasting, yoga therapy and much more. 

Why Cleanse in Autumn?

According to the ancient ayurveda, As summer draws to a close, the fire and water elements (Pitta) peak, often leaving us feeling tired, depleted, and burdened by toxins(ama) accumulated over the season. If left unaddressed, these toxins can make us more susceptible to the challenges of autumn, such skin issues, joint inflammation, and digestive problems – factors that can increase our vulnerability to seasonal illnesses.
By participating in this guided cleanse, you could experience renewed energy, stronger immunity, and a smoother transition into the cooler months.

What to expect?

    • 1-1 Consultation: Tailored guidance to determine the best detox plan for you and education on your body type according to ayurveda.
    • Yoga Practice: DR. Raju with 20 years of yoga experience will teach dynamic detox yoga to relieve weight from body and mind. Includes two yoga zoom classes during the week. 
    • Diet and Lifestyle Guidance: Learn what and how to eat for your specific body type to support your cleanse and transition smoothly into the autumn season.
    • Expert Insights: Integrated approach combined with ancient ayurveda techniques and evidence based modern lifestyle medicine.
    • Support: You will be supported throughout this cleanse with daily check-ins through whatsapp and daily health coaching and motivation. 

Signs you need to cleanse:

  • Feelings of burnout or unrest after sleep
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Feeling sluggish or “off” without a clear reason
  • Digestive issues or persistent indigestion
  • You  experience aches and pains
  • Irregular bowel movements 
  • Waking up with bad breath or a white coating on your tongue.

Benefits can Include

  • Enhanced energy and vitality
  • Improved mental clarity and balance
  • Less inflammation in the body 
  • Therapeutic weight loss
  • Rejuvenation of senses
  • Clear sinuses 
  • Improved digestion
  • Clearer skin
  • Increased immunity and protection against common autumn and winter illnesses
  • Tools for a balanced lifestyle through Ayurveda and yoga
  • A deeper understanding of your body and mind, empowering you to live a healthier life

Join us for this transformative experience and emerge ready to embrace the new season with renewed strength and well-being
If you have a severe health condition, please get in touch.
Not suitable for people who are pregnant 

Price for workshop and seven day guided cleanse

    Wellness Medicine

    Natural Remedies

    Natural remedies is a holistic health care science that focuses not only the prevention of disease but addresses solutions to chronic conditions.


    Yoga is ancient Indian Vedic science and way of life. Yoga is fundamentally different from conventional medical practice and its approach to health care.


    Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.


    The Traditional Indian System Of Medicine That Uses A Combination Of Diet, Herbal Treatment, and Yogic Breathing to treat Illnesses and bring s positivity.


    Wellness Programs

    Stress Relief

    Well designed stress management programs with natural medicine and evidence based therapies for those working in stressful environment.
    Stress management programs are suitable for Executives, Bank officials…

    Spinal Health

    Autonomic nervous system disorders account for 80% of chronic diseases caused by spinal problems and with customised therapies (herbal massages, manipulation, yoga therapy, chi therapy etc,.) they can be prevented ,controlled and treated.

    Herbal Weight Loss & Detox

    Weight loss is achieved with a scientific dynamic yogic exercise program and herbal therapies designed to suit all age groups.

    Practical and realistic diets, modification approaches are possible for results…


    The Best of Yoga

    Monday-6.30am-Predawn yoga

    ‘’Start the day with positive vibe’’.Highly recommended for working professional for every day challenges and tasks.

    • Good for positivity for the whole day and Week.
    • Improves Energy Focus and productivity.

    Wednesday-Dynamic Yoga-9.30am

    • ‘’Go home with positivity and happiness’’
    • To improve the total fitness, treat wear and tear.
    • Flexibility and strength
    • Weight loss


    Friday-Dynamic yoga-10am.

    General health and wellbeing to manage the heath and fitness.Relax and rejuvenate body and mind. improve your energy levels and weight loss.

    Thursday-Seniors yoga-6.30pm

    • Improves balance.
    • Prevents and control inflammation.
    • Strengthens the joints and ligament.
    • Improves focus, concentration and memory.

    Tuesday-Yoga therapy-6.30pm

    ”Specific For Desktop Users.”

    • Helps to anxiety and Stress
    • Improves sleep/Insomnia.
    • Rejuvenates eyes & eye sight.
    • Helps to improve focus & concentration.

    Saturday -sports yoga-12pm

    ”Specially designed for sports and fitness enthusiastic.”

    • Helps to improve focus.
    • Prevents from injuries.
    • Increases the flexibility.

    SOQI Wellness Therapy Health Benefits

    SOQI Home Spa: Health for the Entire Family

    The SOQI concept is dynamic and ideal for your whole family. This program has been designed for people of all ages. Our concept of multi-energy works with energy of motion, thermal and electricity.


    Our Testimonials

    What are Clients Say

    Michelle Bannon

    Raju correctly assessed my condition by reading my pulse and has helped my situation with his generous advice and herbs. Highly recommend.

    Mara de lacy

    Great feeling after Raju has worked with me, back for more regularly. He’s keeping my 70 year body in the best shape possible

    ‘’He who has health, has hope and who has hope, everything’’

    To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life

    Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distraction, the gates of the soul open. – B.K.S.Iyengar

    Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity; who, 1948

    A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his though to derive benefit from his illness. – Hippocrates

    After a lunch rest a while; after dinner walk a mile

    Life is not merely being alive but being well

    The best of all medicines is resting and fasting Benjamin franklin

    Prevention is better than cure

    Prevent control and treat ailments naturally